Pork dish

A little delicacy with this beautiful seasonal plate with this beautifully caramelized pork chop with honey and Dutch pear accompanied by its potatoes with honey and pear account without forgetting the Cardamone for the pep all au gratin in the oven its yogurt and cucumber sauce makes your mouth water



2 Nice potatoes with firm flesh
one Cucumber
1* Count cheese
1*Beautiful pear from Holland
1-Slice of bread
1-Activia vanilla yogurt
1-Lemon juice
1/ spoon of guignolet
1 soybean copper
2 spoonfuls of honey
1/2 tablespoons of veal stock
Spices Guérande salt a turn of moilin pepper chives

Pork Dish Directions

Wash peel and cut the cucumber the pear and cut the count and set aside
Toast the bread
Mix in a ramekin yogurt lemon juice chives for the sauce
In a saucepan, bring water to a boil then put the 2 potatoes and cook them over low heat for 20 minutes until cooked, drain and pass under cold water then cut each one in 2 then in a baking dish lay the 4 sides and on each of them put Comté, Poir and brush with honey and Cardamone. and put in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes so that the flavors structure themselves.

during this time, heat a little butter in a frying pan to a good temperature, cook the pork chop on high heat on both sides, be careful that the butter should not blacken but have a nice hazelnut color, lower and using a spoon drizzle with cooking juice add honey, deglaze with cherry liqueur, while making the caramel all 15 minutes for the thickness of the pork chop and add some pieces of the remaining pear then go to the plating
according to your desires put the pork chops, potatoes, toast, white sauce and cucumbers, and Bon appetite

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