LAUREN BOEBERT Midterm Elections RESULTS 2022


Who is Lauren Boebert

LAUREN BOEBERT Midterm Elections RESULTS 2022

Welcome to USA 24 News. Today’s breaking news, US election results. Who is Lauren Boer Colorado’s mega star In her first term in Congress, LAUREN BOEBERT rose to fame as a mega phenomenon. The pro-Trump Republican was supposed to glide to reelection in conservative western Colorado. Instead, as the final votes are counted, she’s facing a formidable challenge from a middle of the road Democrat. In September, 2019, Democratic presidential candidate, Boebert O’Rourke made a stop in Aurora, Colorado. Mr. O’Rourke had made gun control central to his campaign, and in Aurora that day, he doubled down on his call to ban semi-automatic weapons. As he spoke, most of the crowd clapped. Lauren Boebert did not.

Ms. Boebert 35, a restaurant owner and mother of four had driven three hours from her home and rifle Colorado to confront Mr. O’Rourke. I was one of the gunning Americans who heard you speak regarding your hell yes, I’m going to take your AR fifteens and AK 40 sevens. She said, Well, I’m here to say hell no you’re not. Dot. The moment caught on video went viral and became a conservative media talking point. A Republican star was born.


Three months later, she announced her bid to represent Colorado’s third congressional district in Congress. The heckling episode captured much of the style of Miss Boebert, the candidate. And later Miss LAUREN BOEBERT, the congresswoman, combative, unrestrained, and bold. Her 2019 candidacy looked like a long shot. To win the Republican nomination, she had to beat a five term Trump endorsed incumbent. But during the campaign across the vast World District, an enormous stretch of land covering half of Colorado, she just absolutely outworked him.

Said Kevin McCarney, a local go o p official in Ms. Bower’s district. She’s five feet if she’s lucky, but holy cow, the energy Ms. Boer used that energy to relentlessly attack her opponent from the right telling voters she was the better torch bearer for Mr. Trump’s Republican party. It paid off. It was on the campaign trail, often with a gun visibly holstered to her thigh that Miss LAUREN BOEBERT started to introduce herself, Growing up in Colorado with her Democrat boating mother, Miss Boberg described a childhood spent in poverty complete with humiliating trips to the grocery store, with nothing but food stamps to spend with her husband, oil field worker, Jason Boebert.

LAUREN BOEBERT Midterm Elections 2022

This morning, the race between Lauren Boebert and Adam Fresh in Western and Southern Colorado is getting even tighter. Fresh is holding onto a lead of just 64 boats at last report that’s in the third congressional district. Results from 99% of the precincts are in nine.

This could take a number of days, because of just how close this race is, it’s razor thin as you just went through the margin there. Less than a hundred votes between the two candidates, But we do know that, uh, this district is predominantly Republican, or at least it was the last time that Lauren Boebert won the seat. However, as you mentioned this morning, Democrat, Adam Fresh is in the lead, but just by that slight margin, so Colorado’s third congressional district, it covers a very large portion of the state stretching through most of Western Colorado, right down through Pueblo. Republican incumbent.

Lauren Boebert is seeking another term, the US House of Representatives now. She made a name for herself nationally attacking inflation crime and border policy under President Joe Biden’s watch for. She’s a former Aspen City councilman, who was expected to give, wasn’t actually expected to give Bo that much of a run, but as you can see that the numbers are very, very close. Charles Ashby’s, a political reporter with the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. He says he’s very surprised how close this race is and how long it’s lasted.



So because this race is so close, it’s likely gonna go to a recount regardless of the outcome. In the next few days, maybe even today, we might have the final results as 99% of the precincts have already reported. However, we do know that, uh, this is going to be such a close race that it will have to go down to that recount. So it could be days, could be weeks that before we finally get a defined winner in this race, both candidates we know are gonna be watching every vote as it comes in to make sure that they,are in the lead or if they’re trailing, just how close that margin’s gonna be. But, a lot of people across the state are following this one very, very close to Gary.

And as we mentioned, the recount’s gonna take some time. Then there’s also the ballot fixes. You know, if, if the ballot is, is screwed up, if it’s damaged or if the, uh, they can’t read the, the, the signature on it, uh, they will try to fix those ballots. They’ll send it back to the voter to fix. And that could take some time too. every vote’s gonna count. I’m assing. absolutely.

Right. I mean, it’s just, you know, when it comes down this close, I mean, it’s rare that it within less than a hundred votes between the two. And you know, like you mentioned, there could be damage ballots. There could be ones that just need to be checked over one more time. So this is going to be something that a lot of people are gonna be watching closely. But also too, you know, there’s a lot at stake, so these candidates wanna make sure that it’s done properly. So that’s gonna be the next steps going forward here.

LAUREN BOEBERT Midterm Elections 2022




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