
Millet pills are spherical and very small beads of different colors (white, gray, and yellow). It is a type of corn, and it comes between cereals and legumes.

What Is Millet

considered among the plants that grow in the form of wheat-like ears, its length ranges between approximately 0.3-4.5 m.

it is a spherical and very small grain of different colors (white, gray, and yellow). It is a type of corn, and it comes between cereals and legumes.
Ilan is one of the plants that grow in the form of wheat-like ears, its length ranges from approximately 0.3-4.5 m.
Millet is an important source of food for many people, especially the inhabitants of India, China, Sudan, Russia, Niger, and Nigeria.

The important thing about Millet cereals is that they are free of gluten, a protein that irritates those who suffer from gluten sensitivity. Eating Ilan pills is considered safe for these people.
As with most cereals,

available in the market all year round.

noticeable that these pills saturate the person for a long time, due to their richness in many nutrients important for human health.

recommended to consume these grains daily for the many health benefits of Millet, as it is essential nutrition for each of:

For breastfeeding and women

As with most cereals, millet or illan is available in the market all year round.

noticeable that Ilan pills saturate the person for a long time, due to their richness in many nutrients important for human health.

What are the ingredients of millet nutritional pills?

Alan or millet is rich in vitamin B and works to reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.
as recommended that is also rich in protein.
It contains a high percentage of magnesium.
Millet is rich in fiber and antioxidants.
calcium and rich in minerals and vitamins E, B, C
Elan contains folic acid, iron, and phosphorous.


Healthy Recipes Prepared With Millet.

Kitchen Recipes 4U provides you with 4 proven recipes for eating Ilan or millet.

1 . recipe
Roasts, grinds, mixes with wheat, and kneads bread.

Recipe 2
Roasted, crushed, and mixed with ginger with the addition of a spoonful of honey, it is very wonderful and worth a try.

3 . recipe
Boil a little and then roast in a pan and add crunchy almonds and dates in small pieces, a spoonful of olive oil and then add milk, eat in the morning, especially for children, as it gives wonderful energy.

4 . recipe
Roasted and crushed Millet can be added to the slaw, which is known to Moroccans, as it gives it an irresistible deliciousness.

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